Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Going Flip Flop

L.A.Observed reports on yet another Euro going "native" in L.A.:
I suppose it was a long time coming: the American wife, the Green Card, the mortgage, and now this. The realisation came as I was preparing to leave home, and trying to decide on the most appropriate footwear. Glancing down, I saw my options laid out on the floor: not one, not two, not three, but four pairs of brightly coloured flip-flops.
It took my parisian stiletto wardrobe a long time to accept flip flop untermenschen in its club, but now they're my daily footwear -- including for work. The stilettos don't go out as much anymore. They're rather peeved, and my Paris friends call me L'Africaine, but WTF -- this is L.A. [related footwear]
photo Google Images

1 comment:

LA Frog said...

Linking back and forth: