Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Albuquerque In The Antartic

Santa Monica based earth artist Lita Albuquerque, a personal favorite, recently joined forces with local astronomy professor Simon Balm to create an unusual art installation in the Antartic.
Called Stellar Axis, "The project situated 99 blue fiberglass spheres on the ice to reflect a portion of the southern sky on the exact date of the winter solstice," reports the SMDP. "Each of the 99 spheres reflected a star’s relative position in the sky [...] 50 people encircled the spheres, creating the image of a swirl."
Albuquerque "conceptualized the art installation from her research in archaeoastronomy, the study of ancient and traditional astronomy. The project was funded by the National Science Foundation." Pretty cool. [full story]
photos Simon Balm/SMDP