Friday, January 18, 2008

The Zizi Exhibit

Tout, tout, tout, vous saurez tout sur le zizi, sang Pierre Perret.
Taking this statement at literal level, Paris' Cité des Sciences -- the French capital's 21st Century science museum -- has put together a trilingual exhibit on sex for pre-teens: Zizi sexuel, l'expo! Or Sex, What's the big deal. Aka, everything you want to know about sex when you're an hormone-challenged kid. Beyond its obvious didactic value, what makes the exhibit noteworthy is that it could not happen in this country without a huge uproar from the puritanistic police. And yet, what better way to prevent STD and unwanted pregnancies than to teach those kids what Life with a capital L is really about?
photo J.P. Attal/CSI via exhibit website