Friday, August 11, 2006


Debate. Something that permeates every aspect of French society. You can't meet someone at a bistrot, or have dinner with friends, without debating, deconstructing and reconstructing the world.

Not so much here. Most of the "debate" is limited to people hammering down their point of view, and not listening to others'. Worse, often it's just about being controversial for the heck of it. Hence a polarization of society. It's a black and white, "your're either with us or against us" discussion. Binary, simplistic, boring -- sterile.

The French can be masturbateurs intellectuels -- but at least there's conversation -- and learning in the process. I miss it here. You can't have an opinion without being labeled a fundanut of some sort. And if you're not a fundanut, and express interest in understanding things from other people's point of view, you're called weak, surrendering, utopist. I don't think it's a sign of a progressive society -- a more focused one maybe, but with serious limitations.
scan Google Images


Anonymous said...

The question is what we want from THE OTHERS
I mean are people really interesting in what’s on the others mind, their feelings ? I am, you are
Do we try to understand the motivations ? I do, sure you too
Being closed and being “à l’écoute” is the first step to understand L’AUTRE and his point of vue

Most of people just try to make sure that you aren’t against them. So you must have the same thoughts, the same feelings ; you must be “reconnaissable”

The more I think of it the more I think that is the best means to create an enemy…

“Think different” is the new campaign of Apple  :)

LA Frog said...

I agree.

Anonymous said...

I am an American and what you say is so unfortunately TRUE these days!

I too like to debate but since the Republican party has been overtaken by the extreme right..those that listen to the overabundant rightwing talk radio make it impossible to even pose questions. This country is polarized in a way I do not remember before.

I, myself, find that I too, sick of these crazies that name call if you have a different opinion....have become just as judgemental of them! Anytime I see a hummer going down the road....I just KNOW that I would not like that person!

LA Frog said...

The challenge is not to give into the radicalization, while limiting it...