Sunday, September 3, 2006

On French Blogueurs

The IHT recently published an interesting analysis of the French blogosphere under the title "France's mysterious embrace of blogs". The article argues that the reasons blogging is so popular in France -- beyond the expected French fascination with their moi -- range from technical to cultural and historical. Excerpts:
The French distinguish themselves, both statistically and anecdotally, ahead of Germans, Britons and even Americans in their obsession with blogs.

One common explanation is that there are so many French Internet surfers. Last year the number of French people online passed the halfway mark of the total population of 61 million, with 85 percent of Internet users in May using high-speed broadband at home.

French blogs stand out in other measurable ways. They are noticeably longer, more critical, more negative, more egocentric and more provocative than their U.S. counterparts.

Cultural explanations describe blogs as a natural outgrowth of the French national character. "It is clear that in France we have very large egos and love to speak about ourselves. If you look at Germans or Scandinavians, off-line and on the Internet, they really don't talk about themselves."

Historical explanations highlight the long French experience with online communication thanks to the Minitel, a text-based computer network popularized in the 1980s.

But blogs are having a greater effect on French society. "The Minitel was a classic, centrally controlled and top-down creation of the French elite. Blogs have been embraced by ordinary people, and this will flip the rigid power pyramid of French society."

Some even harbor a faint hope that flourishing online discussions might curb the French population's penchant for taking to the streets in protest. [full article]
[the article was translated in Le Monde last week under the title "La France allait au café, elle discute sur les blogs"]


Anonymous said...

Very léger indeed...correct but leger

What about the blog educatifs et culturels, the blog informatifs, d'actualités.
Tell me about the blog as a new media ("Le Monde" knows that very well, we can find some "blog articles" of his correspondant in NY which are "recyclés" on its newspaper)

Is the "France" going to the "café" the same of the "France" blogging ? Not sure
The "café" is still a very good place to catch what's going on for "subtil hunters", me semble-t'il...

All that "ellipse" to say that the "ego, narcissic, or whatever, blog" is a little bit anecdoctic non ?

LA Frog said...

The usual play to stereotypes :)
The stats are interesting, though, and baffling to Americans, some of which still ask whether the French have the internet...

Anonymous said...

Ah ah ah yes no Internet and they still live in a "petit village" called Lutece with Abraracourcix at its head"
and if you are attentifs you can see Asterix & Obelix looking for some Romains "à se mettre sous la dent" :))

"Que le ciel ne nous tombe pas sur la tête" is all they ask for and their wish is exaucé indeed :)