Sunday, July 16, 2006

Evening Wine

I'll confess that I know nothing about which wines to buy in this country. But I know a good wine when I taste it -- like this little piquette available for a mere $4.99 at Trader Joe's.
It's Spanish, with a pleasant blend of fruit, bite and sparkle. Très refreshing on a hot Summer night. And a perfect way to end the weekend.
photo LA Frog


La Page Française said...

Ah, Trader Joes. I must confess I do miss my weekly (or bi-weekly or tri-weekly) shopping trip to TJs. I think their wine selection is quite reasonably priced. I always picked up a couple of bottles of Two Buck Chuck whenever I went

LA Frog said...

Trader Joe's is great! Nothing beats France when it comes to good/cheap wine, but TJ's always has a large selection of interesting wines for all budgets. And their staff is very knowledgeable. I hear they have to taste every new wine that comes in. Cool job, non?